How to configure Logging Configuration Changes in Citrix Xenapp 6.5

9:03 PM

  1. Open the Farm Properties, to access the Configuration Logging Options
  2. Right Click on the Farm Node in the Delivery Services Console and Click the Farm Properties
  3. Click Configuaration Logging
  4. Configure the database for Configuration Logging using the following information
  5. Connectiontype:SQL Server
  6. Server Name:DBServer Name
  7. Authentication Mode: Use Windows Integrated Security
  8. Credentials: Domain\Administrator and Password
  9. Database:XA_ConfigurationLog
  10. Connection options: Use Encryption No
  11. Connection Pooling:Default
  12. Click Configure Database to begin the database configuration
  13. Specify SQL Server as the connection type and type DBServername as the Server Name
  14. Specify use windows integrated security, type Domain/Administrator, Password,in the credentials fields and then click Next
  15. Select XA_ConfigurationLog from Specify the database drop-down menu and click Next
  16. Select No in the Use encryption drop-down under connection options and click next
  17. Test the Database Connection and Complete the Configuration
  18. Click Test Database Connection and click OK, if a connection was successfully established
    If a connection was not successfully established, confirm that all settings are configured correctly
  19. Click Finish to complete the configuration
  20. Enable the logging of administrative Tasks to the database
  21. Select Log administrative tasks to configure Logging Database

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