
create a hadoop cluster with powershell

12:33 PM
To create an HDInsight cluster by using Azure Power Shell, you must complete the following procedures: Create an Azure resource group Create an Azure Storage account Create an Azure Blob container Create an HDInsight cluster The two most important parameters that you must set to create Linux clusters are the ones that specify the OS type and the SSH user details: Make sure...


Python Install on centos

12:18 PM
# install Required Development tools yum groupinstall -y development yum groupinstall -y 'development tools' yum install wget -y yum install GCC cd /opt/ # download Pyhton 2.7 wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.6/Python-2.7.6.tar.xz # unzip the python tar -xvzf Python-2.7.6.tar.xz #move to directory cd Python-2.7.6 #Run the following command ./configure make altinstall #check version python2.7 -V you can follow me on linkedin : https://linkedin.com/in/salindia for more update...


Linux Quick Reference Guide

11:42 AM

CENTOS NTP configuration

7:06 PM
You can easily install NTP (Network Time Protocol, a means of transmitting time signals over a computer network) using the yum command under Red Hat or CentOS/Fedora Linux server or workstation based systems. You need to install the following packages: ntp : ntpd server which continuously adjusts system time and utilities used to query and configure the ntpd daemon. ntpdate : Utility to set the date and...



Salt Infrastructure upgrade

7:29 PM
Synopsis As a part of this project we would be upgrading the salt infrastructure in all our managed cloud platforms (mcp). Currently we have mixed versions of salt across board and one of the deliverables of this project is to have consistency in all mcps. Please look below for the list of deliverables of this project. Deliverables Upgrade all salt-master and salt-minions to...



Automation - Configuration Management using Puppet

7:26 PM
Puppet was used for configuration management. Puppetmaster is deployed on a CentOS server. Windows Servers on which Prognosis needs to be installed are Puppet Clients. Puppetmaster is listening on port 8140 via apache. Just for troubleshooting, once you've vpn'ed to the AF1 MCP cloud network, you can open a browser and visit As of now, the automation involves the following. Note that...



Puppet Installation

7:25 PM
This is part one on how to install a Puppet Server using Passenger (mod_passenger) with MySQL (for stored configurations) on Red Hat Enterprise 5. In this first part we will get a Puppet/WEBrick server serving a single Puppet client. Firstly, ensure the FQDN (i.e. puppet.tomhayman.co.uk) is set up properly on the server otherwise your Puppet clients will not be able to connect. In...



Creating Manual Reports for Exchange -Powershell

7:08 PM
Creating Manual Reports for Exchange (Per Customer Basis) Log onto an Exchange server (bf-nrd-exd2-11 or -12). Open up Exchange Power Shell as you'll be running the below PowerShell scripts to reveal the following: As an example, I've used Phil Hoffman Travel to run the report. This gives your mailbox sizes of all users under the company get-mailbox -OrganizationalUnit "bluefire.bfms.local/Customers/Adam Internet(AI1)/Phil Hoffmann Travel(190102)" |...



1. Binding a new SSL Certificate to a Virtual Server

7:06 PM
Swapping an SSL Certificate The following instructions will walk you through how to upload, install and bind and an SSL certificate to a virtual server hosted off a NetScaler. Things Required Icon Certificate file Key File As you can see from above this guide is assuming that you have a CRT file. Okay, let's begin; start by logging onto the NetScaler that you'll...



Oracle LUN Migration ext3 or ocfs2

7:04 PM
This is a how-to focused on migrating from one LUN to another LUN where Oracle data is stored on ext3 or ocfs2 filesystems. This is not relevant to ASM filesystems. Once your new LUN has been provisioned by storage there are two ways to discover the new LUN(s)    1. Force a scan of the SCSI bus - this can be done uptime...


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