Installation and configuration of SFTP on Windows using OpenSSH software

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Installation and configuration of SFTP on Windows using OpenSSH software
The setup requirements are as follows:
  1. Users should have full rights on their sftp home directory but not allowed to access other data or server data.
  2. Each user should be able to logon directly into their respective sftp home directory.
This article describes steps to achieve above setup requirements. We can divide the complete process in following three steps:
  1. OpenSSH software installation and configuration.
  2. Rights assignment on folders for users to achieve security.
  3. Create and configure user.
1. OpenSSH Installation and Configuration:
We can download the install file from " "
 i) Run the installer " setupssh.exe "
The installation will put the default path of "c:\Program Files\OpenSSH" in to the Install Location textbox. If you want to install somewhere else select "Browse" and pick the location
 ii) To run the open ssh service "opensshd " by user account "sshd".
 a) Create the server users account by name " sshd "
 b) Check that the account's password will not expire
 c) Add the server users account (sshd) to the Administrators group
 d) Assign the server users account (sshd) the appropriate rights:
    ntrights +r SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege -u sshd
 ntrights +r SeCreateTokenPrivilege -u sshd
 ntrights +r SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight -u sshd
 ntrights +r SeDenyNetworkLogonRight -u sshd
 ntrights +r SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight -u sshd
 ntrights +r SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege -u sshd
 ntrights +r SeServiceLogonRight -u sshd
e) Grant the server users account (sshd) Read, Read & Execute and List Folder Contents permissions to the OpenSSH folder and subtree

  1. Create and configure user
i)               Run the following command
 cd C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin
 mkgroup -l > ..\etc\group
 mkpasswd -l > ..\etc\passwd
  -l,--local print local user accounts
 We can also use following options:
 l,-local print local user accounts
  -c,--current print current account, if a domain account
  -d,--domain print domain accounts (from current domain
  if no domains specified)
  -o,--id-offset offset change the default offset (10000) added to uids
  in domain accounts.
  -g,--local-groups print local group information too
  if no domain specified
  -m,--no-mount don't use mount points for home dir
  -s,--no-sids don't print SIDs in GCOS field
  (this affects ntsec)
  -p,--path-to-home path use specified path and not user account home dir or / home
  -u,--username username only return information for the specified user
  -h,--help displays this message
  -v,--version version information and exit

 ii) In the passwd file we have to specify the sftp home directory for that particular user for e.g username " maamir " want to access location " E:\OpenSSH\maamir ".

Passwd file sample:
In the above passwd file, location " E:\OpenSSH\maamir " is specified as ":/cygdrive/e/OpenSSH/maamir"

3. Rights assignment to user on folders to achieve security:
 i) Create users in windows e.g username " maamir ".
 ii) Create group name " SFTP_deny " in windows add sftp users as a member of this group.
 iii) On C: and any other drive assigned deny List Folder Contents NTFS permission to group name " SFTP_deny ".
 iv) For each user's sftp home directory (e.g user "maamir" having a sftp home directory " E:\OpenSSH\maamir " ) assign full rights to user " maamir" on folder " maamir" located at "   E:\OpenSSH\ " and remove the " SFTP_deny " group on that folder.

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