How do I create a self-signed cert in Windows?
11:38 AMTo create a self-signed certificate in Windows 2003 you can to download the IIS 6.0 Resource Kit
Once installed, you can use the utility called selfssl.exe from the command line to generate a self-signed certificate for IIS 6.0. The following are the options available when doing a "selfssl.exe /?" from the command line where the executable is located:
Microsoft (R) SelfSSL Version 1.0
Copyright (C) 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Installs self-signed SSL certificate into IIS.
SELFSSL [/T] [/N:cn] [/K:key size] [/S:site id] [/P:port]
/T Adds the self-signed certificate to "Trusted Certificates"
list. The local browser will trust the self-signed certificate
if this flag is specified.
/N:cn Specifies the common name of the certificate. The computer
name is used if not specified.
/K:key size Specifies the key length. Default is 1024.
/V:validity days Specifies the validity of the certificate. Default is 7 days.
/S:site id Specifies the id of the site. Default is 1 (Default Site).
/P:port Specifies the SSL port. Default is 443.
/Q Quiet mode. You will not be prompted when SSL settings are
The default behaviour is equivalent with:
selfssl.exe /N:CN=SJCOPSAD01P /K:1024 /V:7 /S:1 /P:443
Alternatively, to get more information on how IIS 6.0 works and how to troubleshoot it, you can go to the following link: