Steps to check System NTP Configuration
2:07 PM
Here are the below steps to find out NTP configuration settings on different versions of Windows.
By using the commands, you would able to get information for the following below
By using the commands, you would able to get information for the following below
- Show whether or not the system is configured to receive time from an NTP server.
- Show the NTP server(s) the system is receiving time from.
- Show the time of the last synchronization.
- Show the current time on the system.
w32tm /query /configuration - To get Configuration Details
w32tm /query /status –
Gives information such as stratum, leap indicator, precision, last sync, NTP server, poll interval.
Time /T - O
utputs the current system time
you can get the info like this reg QUERY
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters reg QUERY