Domain Naming System

2:10 PM

What is DNS:-

  • Domain Name Service/Domain Name System
  • Provides resolution of name to IP addressing and resolution of IP addresses to names
  • Define a hierarchical namespace where level of the namespace is separated by a “.”

Computer running DNS Service can be:-

DNS Namespace:-

How DNS Queries Work:-

Authoritative & Non-authoritative DNS Server:-

  • Return the request IP address
  • Return an authoritative “NO”
An Non-authoritative DNS Server will either:-
  • Check its cache
  • Use forwarders
  • Use root hints
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN):-
  • Identifies a host’s name within the DNS namespace hierarchy
  • Host name + DNS domain name = FQDN
  • Example:
                      - Host name: sys1 & Domain name:
                      - Then FQDN =
Look up Types:-


  • Forward Lookup Zone
                 - Used for Resolving Host Name to IP-Address
                 - It maintains Host to IP Address Mapping Information
  • Reverse Lookup Zone
                - Used for Resolving IP-Address to Host Name
                - It maintains IP Address to host Mapping Information
Types of Records:-
1. SOA Record
            - The first in any zone file
2. N S Record
            - Identifies the DNS server for each zone
3. Host Record
            - Resolves an alias name to a host name
4. Alias Record
            - Resolves an alias name to a host name
5. Pointer Record
            - Resolves an IP address to a host
6. MX Records
            - Used by the mail server
7.SRV Records (Service Records)
            - Resolves names of server providing services
Zone Types:-
1. Standard Primary
            - It is the Master Copy of all zone information. It is Read/Write copy
2. Standard Secondary
            - It is Backup to Primary zone. It
3. Stub Zone
            - It contains only NS, SOA & possibly Glue (A) Records with are used to locate name servers
4. Active Directory Integrated
            - It stores the information of Zone in ACTIVE DIRECTORY DATABASE
What are Service Records:-
  • SRV records allow DNS client to locate TCP/IP-based Services.
  • SRV record are used when:
            - A domain controller needs to replicate
            - A client searches Active Directory
            - A user attempts to change her password
            - An administrator modifies Active Directory

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