Cold Migrate VM Guest from ESX2 to VI3

11:54 PM

Prior to migrating retrieve the following information from the VM Guest in VC 1.x:
Version of Windows OS running on guest, Source OS and Data LUN,
Network adapter info from guest properties… ex. p-vmkbk-2900 p-vmgprod 2800,
Number of CPUs, amount of memory allocated, storage controller type,
IP address for Production and Backup, DNS, WINS,
Make sure destination LUNs exist and have enough space
1. Shut down the VM Guest in Virtual Center 1.x.
2. Use SSH client (Putty) on destination host, change directory to new DATA Lun, make directory with server name as shown below.
cd /vmfs/volumes/destDataLun/
mkdir vmguestname
3. Use Putty to log in to source host, change directories to OS Lun where you’ll find the OS .vmdk file. Use scp command to copy OS vmdk file to destination OS Lun.
cd /vmfs/sourceOSlun/
scp vmguest.vmdk root@desthost:/vmfs/volumes/destOSLun/vmguest.vmdk
4. Use scp command to copy Data vmdk file
cd /vmfs/sourceDataLun/
scp vmguest.vmdk desthost:/vmfs/volumes/destDataLun/vmguestfolder/vmguest.vmdk
5. After copy is complete, Putty into destination host and go to both OS and Data Luns and upgrade .vmdk files to VI3 using command: vmkfstools –M servername.vmdk
cd /vmfs/volumes/destOSlun/
vmkfstools –M vmguest.vmdk
cd /vmfs/volumes/destDATAlun/vmguestfolder/
vmkfstools –M vmguest.vmdk
6. Log into Virtual Center 2.x
7. Right-click destination host and select ‘New Virtual Machine’
8. Select custom configuration
9. You will follow the wizard and add the VM Guest server name, select destination host, select datastore for OS, add cpu’s, memory, network cards, storage type, Windows OS version. This would be the info you retrieved from VM Guest prior to migrating across.
10. Select an existing virtual disk. clip_image009
11. Browse to the datastore where OS disk migrated to, select OS .vmdk file.
12. Click Finish. New VM Guest will deploy. Do not power on VM Guest at this point.
13. Go to Virtual Center 2.x, locate the newly created VM Guest, right-click and select ‘Remove from Inventory’.
14. Back to SSH client on destination host. This is what the OS directory should look like after VM Guest was created, notice the appropriate directory was created, however, .vmdk files are outside the directory. We need use the move command to move the 2 OS .vmdk files to the server’s directory.
cd /vmfs/volumes/destOSLun
mv servername*.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/destOSLun/vmguestfolder/
15. Register VM Guest in Virtual Center using the command:
vmkfstools –s register /vmfs/volumes/destOSLun/vmguestfolder/vmguest.vmx
16. Go to Virtual Center 2.x and locate the Guest. Go inside the guest properties. Remove both hard disks, with remove option only.
17. Add new OS / Data hard disks from existing disk, browse new LUNs for .vmdk file.
18. Check that you have everything needed for the Guest. Amount of RAM, # of CPUs, data disk, network adapters.
17. Right-click VM and select ‘Upgrade Virtual Hardware’. Select ‘Yes’ to upgrade.
18. Power on VM Guest. Log in to server.
19. Install VMWare Tools by clicking on the VM Menu and select ‘Install VMWare Tools’. If the tools install does not appear automatically, go to ‘My Computer’ and double-click the cdrom which will force the install. Reboot the VM when prompted.
19. Configure production and backup nic cards with IP information taken prior to migration. If this message below appears select ‘No’
20. If migration is successful and server was tested properly, make sure PM coordinates with Capacity Planning to notify of free resource to possibly decommission old VM Guest. To decommission old VM Guest go to Virtual Center 1.x, right-click old VM Guest and select ‘Delete from disk’.
21. If migration fails we can revert to old Virtual Center 1.x and power on VM Guest.

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