
10:29 PM

'          Name: createUser.vbs
'   Description: VBScript interactive script that prompts for the user to enter in user specific info
'                in order to create a user in AD SSO
'    Written By: Aslam Latheef
'          Date: 8/18/2010
'  Script Usage: cscript //nologo createUser.vbs
'   Result Code: N/A
'       Example: D:\Windows\Scripts\cscript //nologo createUser.vbs
'  *** Notes ***
1) The createUser.vbs script will only work if you have an organization that is currently present
'     in the AD SSO structure
2) Run the createCompany.vbs script if the company is not present first
3) UID information is automatically generated for you with this script
4) Currently runs on Windows 2003 or earlier; Will not work unless ADO is enabled on Windows 2008
5) For more information or help, please email
' ===================================================================================================
' ===================================================================================================
' Revision History:
' 1.00 - Initial Release of script on 8/18/2010
' 1.01 - Added service account field to script on 9/1/2010
' 1.02 - Modified password change script to prompt for password entry on 9/14/2010
' 1.03 - Changed the semantics on the user creation part to handle non-standard UNIX group configs
'        on 10/4/2010
' 1.04 - Changed code again to better handle UNIX attributes as it was hosing the UID generation
'        on 10/5/2010
' 1.05 - Changed code to handle new R2 schema updates on 4/13/2011
' ===================================================================================================
' ===================================================================================================
' Reference Documentation at the following links:
' ===================================================================================================
Option Explicit
Const adStateOpen = 1
Const provider = "Active Directory Provider" ' If blank use ""
Const uname = "CN=adsso_svc,OU=Service Accounts,OU=OpSource,DC=cust,DC=corp,DC=opsource,DC=net"
Const passwd = "sm2D*_W$kGUH"
Const READ_ONLY = &H80000000
Const DomainDN = "DC=cust,DC=corp,DC=opsource,DC=net"
Const oProvider = "LDAP://"
Const oDomain = "cust"
Const oLoginShell = "/bin/bash"
Const oUnixPasswd = "ABCD!efgh12345$67890"
Const oWinPasswd = "pass123[]"
Const oSecGroup = "OU=Security Groups,OU="
Const oAdmins = "OU=Admins,OU="
Const oUsers = "OU=Users,OU="
Const oSvcAccts = "OU=Service Accounts,OU="
Const oWindows = "OU=Windows,OU=Security Groups,OU="
Const oUNIX = "OU=UNIX_LINUX,OU=Security Groups,OU="
Const oUPN = ""
Dim objConn  ' ADO Connection object
Dim objComm  ' ADO Command object
Dim objRS    ' ADO Recordset object
Dim objUser, objOU, objShell, WshShell
Dim objAdminWin, objUserWin, objAdminUNIX, objUserUNIX  ' Default security groups for customer
Dim objWindows, objUNIX  ' OU's in AD
Dim objAdminGPO, objRestrictedGPO, objLDAPGroup
Dim custAdminGPO, custRestrictedGPO, custLDAPGroup, custAdminGPOLong, custRestrictedGPOLong, custLDAPGroupLong
Dim oUsername, oFirstName, oLastName, oCompany, oDecision, oAccessLevel
Dim result, oConfirm, oChgPasswd(1), oPasswdLength
Dim permittedChars, passwordLength, pwd, i
Dim oClass,oCategory,oFieldName, searchResultMessage
Dim adminWinGroup, userWinGroup, adminWinGroupLong, userWinGroupLong, adminUNIXGroup, userUNIXGroup, adminUNIXGroupLong, userUNIXGroupLong
Dim userDN, oExist
' ===================================================================================================
'  *** WARNING - DO NOT MODIFY!!! ****
'  Please do not modify the code below this section as that can cause the script to fail or perform
'  in an unintended manner. If you decide to anyways, do at your own risk.
' ===================================================================================================
' Print Version release information
Call versionInfo()
' Script portion that solicits data from the end user
Wscript.StdOut.Write "Please enter in the Company: "
oCompany = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
oCompany = Lcase(replace(oCompany, " ",""))
Wscript.Echo " "
' Validate if user already exists and if so the script exits out
oClass = "*"
oCategory = "OrganizationalUnit"
oFieldName = "name,ou"
Call validate(oCompany,oClass,oCategory,oFieldName)
Wscript.StdOut.Write "Please enter in the Username: "
oUsername = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
oUsername = Lcase(replace(oUsername, " ",""))
Wscript.Echo " "
' Validate if user already exists and if so the script exits out
oClass = "user"
oCategory = "person"
oFieldName = "samAccountName"
Call validate(oUsername,oClass,oCategory,oFieldName)
Wscript.StdOut.Write "Please enter in the First Name: "
oFirstName = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
oFirstName = replace(oFirstName, " ","")
Wscript.Echo " "
Wscript.StdOut.Write "Please enter in the Last Name: "
oLastName = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
oLastName = replace(oLastName, " ","")
Wscript.Echo " "
  Wscript.StdOut.Write "Is this a service account (Y)es or (N)o: "
  oDecision = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
  oDecision = Ucase(oDecision)
  Wscript.Echo " "
Loop Until oDecision = "Y" Or oDecision = "N"
  Wscript.StdOut.Write "Please enter in the User Access Level (A)dmin or (R)estricted: "
  oAccessLevel = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
  oAccessLevel = Ucase(oAccessLevel)
  Wscript.Echo " "
Loop Until oAccessLevel = "A" Or oAccessLevel = "R"
' Validate if UNIX group already exists and if not the script doesn't set UNIX attributes
oClass = "group"
oCategory = "group"
oFieldName = "samAccountName,member"
Call validate(oCompany,oClass,oCategory,oFieldName)
' Gets the default groups for the company assuming it exists
Call getGroups(oCompany)
' Calls review screen before implementing changes
Call reviewOptions()
' Calls createUser() subroutine to create the actual user account
Call createUser(oCompany,oUsername,oFirstName,oLastName,oAccessLevel,oDecision)
Call addToGroup(oAccessLevel)
'Exits the program
Call exitProgram()
' ========================================================
' Script section for subroutines and functions
' ========================================================
Sub validate(subObjectName,subClass,subCategory,subFind)
  Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  Set objComm = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
  objConn.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
  objConn.Open provider,uname,passwd
  If objConn.State <> adStateOpen Then
    WScript.Echo "Authentication Failed."
  End If
  On Error Resume Next
  Set objComm.ActiveConnection = objConn
  objComm.CommandText = "SELECT " & subFind & " FROM '" & oProvider & DomainDN & "' WHERE objectClass='" & subClass & "' AND objectCategory='" & subCategory & "'"
  objComm.Properties("Page Size") = 100000
  objComm.Properties("Timeout") = 60
  objComm.Properties("searchscope") = 2
  objComm.Properties("Cache Results") = False
  set objRS = objComm.Execute
  If subFind = "name,ou" Then
    Do While Not objRS.EOF
    result = Lcase(objRS.Fields.Item("name").Value)
    ' Wscript.Echo result
      If result = subObjectName Then ' Tests for if the recordset is populated
        searchResultMessage = "Company exists in Active Directory..."
        Exit Do
      End If
    If result <> subObjectName Then
      searchResultMessage = "Company does not exist in Active Directory.  Please create the OU before continuing...."
      Wscript.Echo searchResultMessage
    End If
    Wscript.Echo " "
    Wscript.Echo searchResultMessage
    Wscript.Echo " "
  Elseif subFind = "samAccountName" Then
    Do While Not objRS.EOF
    result = Lcase(objRS.Fields.Item("samAccountName").Value)
    ' Wscript.Echo result
      If result = subObjectName Then ' Tests for if the recordset is populated
        Wscript.Echo " "
        Wscript.Echo "Object already exists - Please try a different username..."
        Wscript.Echo " "
      End If
    Wscript.Echo " "
    Wscript.Echo "User account is currently available for assignment..."
    Wscript.Echo " "
  Elseif subFind = "samAccountName,member" Then
    Do While Not objRS.EOF
    result = Lcase(objRS.Fields.Item("samAccountName").Value)
    ' Wscript.Echo result
      If result = subObjectName Then ' Tests for if the recordset is populated
        oExist = "Y"
        'Wscript.Echo " "
        'Wscript.Echo "Object exists - assigning UNIX attributes..."
        'Wscript.Echo " "
        Exit Do
      End If
    If result <> subObjectName Then
      Wscript.Echo " "
      Wscript.Echo "Object does not exist - Skipping UNIX attribute assignments..."
      Wscript.Echo " "
    End If
  End If
  Set objRS = Nothing
  Set objConn = Nothing
  Set objComm = Nothing
End Sub
Sub getUid()
  Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  Set objComm = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
  objConn.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
  objConn.Open provider,uname,passwd
  If objConn.State <> adStateOpen Then
    WScript.Echo "Authentication Failed."
  End If
  Set objComm.ActiveConnection = objConn
  objComm.CommandText = "SELECT msSFU30UidNumber FROM '" & oProvider & DomainDN & "' WHERE objectClass='user' AND objectCategory='person' ORDER BY msSFU30UidNumber ASC"
  objComm.Properties("Page Size") = 10000
  objComm.Properties("Timeout") = 60
  objComm.Properties("searchscope") = 2
  objComm.Properties("Cache Results") = False
  objComm.Properties("Sort On") = "msSFU30UidNumber"
  set objRS = objComm.Execute
  While Not objRS.EOF
    If IsNull(objRS.Fields.Item("msSFU30UidNumber").Value) = 0 Then ' Tests for if the recordset is populated
      If objRS.Fields.Item("msSFU30UidNumber").Value >= 10000 Then
        result = objRS.Fields.Item("msSFU30UidNumber").Value
        ' Wscript.Echo objRS.Fields.Item("msSFU30UidNumber").Value
      End If
    End If
  result = result + 1
  Wscript.Echo "Assigning new user the following UID: " & result
  Wscript.Echo " "
  Set objRS = Nothing
  Set objConn = Nothing
  Set objComm = Nothing
End Sub
Sub getGroups(subObject)
  On Error Resume Next
  ' Set Windows default group objects
  adminWinGroup = "CN=" & subObject & " Admins"
  adminWinGroupLong = oProvider & adminWinGroup & "," & oWindows & oCompany & ",OU=Customers," & DomainDN
  userWinGroup = "CN=" & subObject & " Users"
  userWinGroupLong = oProvider & userWinGroup & "," & oWindows & oCompany & ",OU=Customers," & DomainDN
  Set objAdminWin = getObject(adminWinGroupLong)
  Set objUserWin = getObject(userWinGroupLong)
  custAdminGPO = "CN=Customer Admins GPO,OU=Customers," & DomainDN
  custAdminGPOLong = oProvider & custAdminGPO
  custRestrictedGPO = "CN=Customer Restricted GPO,OU=Customers," & DomainDN
  custRestrictedGPOLong = oProvider & custRestrictedGPO
  custLDAPGroup = "CN=" & oCompany & "_LDAP_Access," & oSecGroup & oCompany & ",OU=Customers," & DomainDN
  custLDAPGroupLong = oProvider & custLDAPGroup
  Set objAdminGPO = getObject(custAdminGPOLong)
  Set objRestrictedGPO = getObject(custRestrictedGPOLong)
  Set objLDAPGroup = getObject(custLDAPGroupLong)
  ' Set UNIX default group objects
  adminUNIXGroup = "CN=" & subObject & "_sudo"
  adminUNIXGroupLong = oProvider & adminUNIXGroup & "," & oUNIX & oCompany & ",OU=Customers," & DomainDN
  userUNIXGroup = "CN=" & subObject
  userUNIXGroupLong = oProvider & userUNIXGroup & "," & oUNIX & oCompany & ",OU=Customers," & DomainDN
  Set objAdminUNIX = getObject(adminUNIXGroupLong)
  Set objUserUNIX = getObject(userUNIXGroupLong)
  'WScript.Echo objAdminUNIX.get("name") & " and " & objAdminUNIX.get("msSFU30GidNumber")
  'WScript.Echo objUserUNIX.get("name") & " and " & objUserUNIX.get("msSFU30GidNumber")
  On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Sub createUser(subCompany,subUser,subGivenName,subSn,subAccessLevel,subAction)
  Wscript.Echo " "
  Wscript.Echo "Creating user account with prescribed values..."
  Wscript.Echo " "
  If subAccessLevel = "A" Then
    Set objOU = getObject(oProvider & "OU=Admins,OU=" & subCompany & ",OU=Customers," & DomainDN)
  Elseif subAccessLevel = "R" Then
    Set objOU = getObject(oProvider & "OU=Users,OU=" & subCompany & ",OU=Customers," & DomainDN)
  Elseif subAccessLevel = "S" Then
    Set objOU = getObject(oProvider & "OU=Service Accounts,OU=" & subCompany & ",OU=Customers," & DomainDN)
  End If
  Set objUser = objOU.Create("User", "CN=" & subUser)
  objUser.Put "sAMAccountName", subUser
  objUser.Put "userPrincipalName", subUser & oUPN
  objUser.Put "DisplayName", subGivenName & " " & subSn
  objUser.Put "givenName", subGivenName
  objUser.Put "sn", subSn
  objUser.Put "company", subCompany
  Call setPasswd(objUser)
  If subAction = "N" and oExist = "Y" Then
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo "Assigning UNIX attributes..."
    WScript.Echo ""
    ' If user is not found in the directory the script then gets the last UID above 10000 that is available for use
    Call getUid()
    objUser.Put "msSFU30NisDomain", oDomain
    objUser.Put "msSFU30Name", subUser
    objUser.Put "uidNumber", result
    objUser.Put "msSFU30UidNumber", result
    objUser.Put "gidNumber", objUserUNIX.msSFU30GidNumber 'Default is 20001
    objUser.Put "msSFU30GidNumber", objUserUNIX.msSFU30GidNumber 'Default is 20001
    objUser.Put "msSFU30LoginShell", oLoginShell
    objUser.Put "msSFU30HomeDirectory", "/home/" & subUser
    objUser.Put "msSFU30Password", oUnixPasswd
  End If
  If subAction ="Y" Then
    Set objOU = getObject(oProvider & "OU=Service Accounts,OU=" & subCompany & ",OU=Customers," & DomainDN)
    objOU.MoveHere objUser.ADsPath, vbNullString
  End If
End Sub
Sub AddToGroup(subObject)
  WScript.Echo ""
  WScript.Echo "Adding User to specified groups..."
  WScript.Echo ""
  On Error Resume Next
  If subObject = "A" Then
    ' Adding to Admin Security groups
    objAdminUNIX.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, "MemberUID", Array(objUser.samAccountName)
    objAdminUNIX.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, "msSFU30PosixMember", Array(objUser.distinguishedName)
  End If
  If subObject = "R" Then
    ' Adding to Restricted Security groups
  End If
  If SubObject = "A" or "R" Then
    objUserUNIX.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, "MemberUID", Array(objUser.samAccountName)
    objUserUNIX.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, "msSFU30PosixMember", Array(objUser.distinguishedName)
  End If
  ' Set LDAP Group membership to read company objects
  ' Set Primary GID on User Object
  objUser.Put "gidNumber", objUserUNIX.msSFU30GidNumber
  objUser.Put "msSFU30GidNumber", objUserUNIX.msSFU30GidNumber
  On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Sub exitProgram()
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Thanks for using this program.  Please be sure to check the object in the"
Wscript.Echo "Active Directory Users and Computers MMC to verify everything is OK.  Please"
Wscript.Echo "note that the UID and GID information for this user has been updated for you"
Wscript.Echo "and should be confirmed before turning this over to the end user.  Failure"
WScript.Echo "to do so may cause errors on the backend."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Thank you!"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "- The Operations Engineering Team -"
End Sub
Sub reviewOptions()
  WScript.Echo "Please review the settings you want to implement before proceeding:"
  WScript.Echo " "
  WScript.Echo "         Username: " & oUsername
  WScript.Echo "       First Name: " & oFirstname
  WScript.Echo "        Last Name: " & oLastname
  WScript.Echo "          Company: " & oCompany
  'WScript.Echo "  Service Account: " & oDecision
  WScript.Echo "     Access Level: " & oAccessLevel
  'WScript.Echo "         Password: " & randomPassword
  WScript.Echo " "
    Wscript.StdOut.Write "To Confirm your choice type CONFIRM or EXIT: "
    oConfirm = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
    oConfirm = Ucase(oConfirm)
  Loop Until oConfirm = "CONFIRM" Or oConfirm = "EXIT"
  If oConfirm = "CONFIRM" Then
    ' Calls code to creat the actual user if all checks above complete successfully
    ' Call createUser(oCompany,oUsername,oFirstName,oLastName,oAccessLevel,oDecision)
  End If
End Sub
Sub clearScreen()
  set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  objShell.SendKeys "cls + {ENTER}"
  objShell = Nothing
End Sub
Sub versionInfo()
  Wscript.Echo ""
  WScript.Echo "Current Version 1.05 - Release Date 4/13/2011"
  WScript.Echo "Report errors via ticket in RNT and assign to"
  Wscript.Echo ""
End Sub
Function randomPassword()
' Reference script taken from the following site:
  permittedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()_+~`-=[]{}\|;:',.<>/?"
  passwordLength = "12"
  pwd = ""
  for i=1 to passwordLength
  pwd = pwd & mid(permittedChars,int(rnd*len(permittedChars)+1),1)
  randomPassword = pwd
End Function
Sub setPasswd(subObject)
    Wscript.Echo ""
    Wscript.Echo "Password Change - " & subObject.sAMAccountName
    Wscript.Echo ""
    Wscript.StdOut.Write "Please enter in the new Password: "
    oChgPasswd(0) = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
    Wscript.StdOut.Write "Please re-enter in the new Password: "
    oChgPasswd(1) = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
    If oChgPasswd(0) <> oChgPasswd(1) Then
      Wscript.Echo ""
      Wscript.Echo "Passwords do not match - please enter them again..."
      Wscript.Echo ""
    End If
    oPasswdLength = Len(oChgPasswd(0))
    If oPasswdLength < 8 Then
      Wscript.Echo ""
      Wscript.Echo "Password is too short - Please try again..."
      Wscript.Echo ""
    End If
  Loop Until oChgPasswd(0) = oChgPasswd(1) And oPasswdLength >= 8
  subObject.SetPassword oChgPasswd(0)
  subObject.Put "PwdLastSet", "0"
End Sub
Sub errorCheck()
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      WScript.Echo "Error: " & Err.Number
      WScript.Echo "Error (Hex): " & Hex(Err.Number)
      WScript.Echo "Source: " &  Err.Source
      WScript.Echo "Description: " &  Err.Description
  End If
End Sub

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