EMC PowerPath Software Installation

9:54 PM

Prerequisite: Ensure multipath is disabled and the module is unloaded. Use the steps below to confirm this.

1. Stop the multipath daemon
service multipathd stop
2. Disable multipathd from starting on boot.
chkconfig multipathd off
3. Rename the multipath.conf file.
mv /etc/multipath.conf /etc/multipath.conf.disabled
4. Unload the Kernel module.
modprobe -r dm_multipath
5. Reboot the server.

Install PowerPath:

1. Download EMC PowerPath:

Download the file named EMCpower.LINUX-
2. Expanded the archive
tar -zxvf EMCpower.LINUX-
3. Install the PowerPath rpm.
rpm -ivh EMCpower.LINUX-
Note: Use the package appropriate for your OS release.
4. Register PowerPath - have your reg. key ready, and follow the prompts.
emcpreg -install

5. Start the PowerPath daemon
/etc/init.d/PowerPath start
6. Verify the Kernel modules have been loaded using the output from lsmod.
lsmod | grep emc
Successful output should look similar to the follow:
emcpdm                 68640  0
emcpmpx               184200  0
emcpgpx                51016  1 emcpdm
emcp                 2119136  3 emcpdm,emcpmpx,emcpgpx
scsi_mod              196569  10 emcp,sr_mod,sg,usb_storage,lpfc,scsi_transport_fc,mptsas,mptscsih,scsi_transport_sas,sd_mod
7. Verify your paths & device mappings.
powermt display dev=all
8. Reboot your system. Note your device mappings before reboot to ensure they remain the same after reboot. That shouldn't be a problem but better safe than sorry.

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