MySQL Scaling Options
9:12 PMOptions for Scaling MySQL Environments
Active/Passive Master Server with SAN
Provides H/A and generally acceptable performanceRequirements
- two servers of the same hardware.
- SAN for data storage
- SAN is typically not as fast as localdisk I/O performance
Active/Passive Master Server with DAS
Provides H/A with the best I/O performanceRequirements
- two servers of the same hardware.
- DAS for data storage
- DAS is more expensive than SAN or localdisk
Master/Slave Replication
Provides data redundancy and traffic distribution READS->SLAVE, WRITES->MASTERRequirements
- two servers of the same hardware.
- Localdisk for data storage - can use SAN or DAS if localdisk is too small
- Does not provide H/A
- Requires manual promotion of Slave if Master fails
Active/Passive Master with Slave Replication
Provides data redundancy and traffic distribution READS->SLAVE, WRITES->MASTER and H/A capabilitiesRequirements
- three servers of the same hardware.
- Localdisk for data storage on Slave - or can use SAN or DAS if localdisk is too small
- SAN or DAS required for Master - no localdisk
- Best option for data redundancy, traffic distribution, and H/A
- Most expensive option
NDB Engine Clustering
Provides data redundancy, automatic traffic distribution, and H/A capabilitiesRequirements
- three servers of the same hardware.
- Localdisk for data storage - or can use SAN or DAS if localdisk is too small
- Can run a Slave(s) server off of the cluster for even more scaling or for off-loading backups.
- No Foreign Key support
- Other limitations listed in MySQL Docs