Configuring Printing with Policies in Citrix Xenapp 6.5

8:13 PM

    Use the following procedure to create a policy to disable auto-creation of client printers:
    1. Create a new Citrix user policy called Disable Client Printer Auto-creation and add an ICA Client Printer setting to disable auto-creation of client printers.
      1. Click New, type Disable Client Printer Auto-creation and click Next.
      2. Click ICA > Printing > Client Printers and select Auto-create client printers.
      3. Click Add and select Do not auto-create client printers from the Value drop-down menu.
      4. Click OK to add the setting.
    2. Create a filter that applies this policy against all domain users.
      1. Click Next to continue to the filters screen.
      2. Select User, click Add and then click Add in the New Filter window.
      3. Verify that Allow is selected in the Mode drop-down menu and type Coolidge\Domain Users in the User name field.
      4. Click OK to save the new filter element.
    3. Create a filter that denies this policy to the Advisors group.
      1. Click Add in the New Filter window.
      2. Select Deny in the Mode drop-down menu, type Coolidge\Advisors in the User name field and click OK to save the new filter element.
    4. Finish adding filters, enable the policy and then save it.
      1. Click OK to close the New Filter screen.
      2. Click Next to finish adding filters.
      3. Verify that Enable this policy is selected and then click Save.

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