Installing Citrix Client and Verify XenApp WebSites in Citrix XenApp 6.5

9:01 PM

    1. Login to Windows 7/XP Machine
    2. Map the XenApp Installation CD/DVD/Shared Folder
    3. Double Click on autorun.exe
    4. Select Manually install components
    5. Click on Common Components
    6. Click on Plug-ins,Streaming Profiler and Documentation
    7. Click on Citrix Receiver
    8. Restart the Machine
    Testing Clients
    Web Clients
    1. Login to Windows 7/XP Machine with the Normal User account
    2. open Internet Explorer
    3. Type http://XenAppservername/Citrix/XenApp and Enter
    4. Enter the Credentials(Normal user and password)
    5. Observer the menu items and labels
      Citrix Receiver Client
    6. Login to windows 7/Xp machine with the Normal User account
    7. The Citric Receiver starts automatically.If the plug-in does not start,click Start>All Programs>Citrix>Citrix Receiver
    8. Cilck on ok
    9. Click on Add
    10. Type name,Description and url and click ok
    11. The Citrix Receivernegotiates with the WebInterface server and display a logonprompt.

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