Creating a Failover Situation in Citrix Xenapp 6.5

8:17 PM

  1. Use the Citrix Delivery Services Console to create a new Load Balancing policy called ABC Failover to XYZ.
  2. Right-click the Load Balancing Policies node and select Create load balancing policy
  3. Type ABC to XYZ in the Name field.
  4. Create a filter for the ABC Employees group.<.li>
  5. Navigate to Filters > Users then select Filter based on user.
  6. Click Add and click OK in the warning dialog.
  7. Type Domain \ABC Employees in the Enter object names to select field, click Check Name and then click OK, if the name is validated successfully.
  8. Configure the application connection preference based on worker group by adding the ABC worker group only.
  9. Click on the Worker Group Preference node.
  10. Select Configure application connection preference based on worker group and click Add.
  11. Double click ABC and click OK in the Select Servers window.
  12. Click OK to finish and save the new load balancing property.

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